30 December
BB: Stabilizing the new underground, bit of rewiring, and
recoding. But will it work? Click the first image to watch the
Discovery: Checking date and time again gives an oops.
Replacing the barttery gives another oops. Taking the motor
synchronisation apart, I write a new code and use ROBOPro again...
what's the difference? Does it work or does it oops? Click the
image to watch the video.
RPi/ROS: Using the RPi2, I have
replaced Raspbian Linux by Ubuntu 16.04 to run ROS. This took some
effort, since Ubuntu for RPi comes as a server and you'll have to
install a desktop yourself. Apart from that, it looks like it's
working. Click the image to watch the video.
Mirft2: The date is set to 2000-01-01. Oops, battery needs
replaced, or? Adding rubber feet proves to be harder than thought.
Close inspection of the gears leads to a reconstruction. Then a
test: will it work? Click the image to watch the video.
Arduino Yun: Exploring the
remote connection and first programming via upload which is
different than expected. Click the image to watch the video.
RPi: Continuing with
Scilab/Xcos simulation, I realize it's not like the real circuit.
So some settings and components need to be changed. Will it work
then? Click the image to watch the video.
Arduino Mega2560: More simulation using Scilab/Xcos to
better resemble the ciruits. This includes a motor with a nice
graph... Click the image to watch the video.
Hand: Time to reconstruct the wrist, which brings some
issues and considerations. Will it work? Click the image to watch
the video.
23 December
BB: Reconstruction all over again: replacing the support
leads to replacing the underground, rewiring and testing. Does it
all work? Click the image to watch the video.
Discovery: Trying to get the motors synchronized leads to
some more code-changes and some unexpected results. Click the
first image to watch the video.
Mirft2: Several issues to deal with: a wheel-rod need
clamps, the frame needs a better stabilization, rubber feet need
improvement. Some are quick to fix, other need some time (hint:
there was a thinking pause between some of the video segments).
But is all solved now? Click the image to watch the video.
Arduino Yún: Last time I ended
up without access to the Yún. So how to restore it? This proves
simple enough, so trying to change the IP stuff again. Will it
work this time? Then, considering the analog and pwm pins: an
attempt to upload some code. Click the image to watch the video.
RPi: It's time to set up a
simulation using Scilab/Xcos again. How is this comparable to the
real circuit? Click the image to watch the video.
Arduino Mega2560: Checking voltages and frequencies with
the motors leads to running a simulation using Scilab/Xcos. This
proves to be more difficult than initially thought. Click the
image to watch the video.
Hand: A final touch to the pivot motor shows it works, for
now. Then a new addition: a rotating wrist. But how to do that?
Click the image to watch the video.
16 December
BB: The carriage needs some serious reconstruction. But
testing leads to more... Click the image to watch the video.
Discovery: Have to start by setting the time right, then
some code change and check followed by motor tests on the floor.
Click the first image to watch the video.
Mirft2: With the 2 6-spoke legs (are they still legs?),
they need to be more robust. But the gears show that something is
not quite right. Click the image to watch the video.
Arduino Yún: Finding my through
the graphical interface isn't easy. Using the ssh connection is
more familiar, and with some edits everything should be as should
be. Click the image to watch the video.
RPi: Measuring resistance leads
to finding that it changes with pwm value? Checking the way how to
measure resistance and frequencu with the multimeter, show I'm
doing it right. Then what about more resistors? Then I understand
why I get a "I" instead of a number. Oops. Click the first image
to watch the video.
Arduino Mega2560: Some frequency checking and replacing
capacitors leads to some nice results. But is it the pwm that
actually works? Click the image to watch the video.
Hand: With the 2-way switch having arrived, I can
reconstruct the pivot switch. But this causes another
reconstruction and test. Will it work? And how about the rest of
the arm and hand? Do I need to change the algorithm? Click the
image to watch the video.
9 December
BB: Some additional construction is needed for the rail
support, and analysis brings some coding as well. Then it seems
timing is off, light don't work and the carriage falls apart.
Click the image to watch the video.
Discovery: Changing the sound in the program to various and
finding which sound it taken. Then testing reveals it's working
nicely, mostly. But 1 problem really needs to be solved. Click the
first image to watch the video.
Mirft2: How would it go when the other front leg is
replaced with a 6 part? An instability shows up and needs a
solution. And how to solve a gear problem? Click the image to
watch the video.
Arduino Yún: Exporing the
web-interface, settings and dangers. A big oops and some other
stuff. Click the image to watch the video.
RPi: Simplifying the pwm
question by setting up a small circuit with LED and resistors,
will that answer questions? According to the earlier shown
wiringpi example, it could. Click the image to watch the video.
Arduino Mega2560: Measuring frequencies leads to questions
and adding a small testing circuit with re-routing. Then also a
bit of code-change. Click the first image to watch the video.
Hand: Again trying to get the pivot switches working, with
new ideas and a necessary reconstruction on a different place. But
will it work and hold? Click the image to watch the video.
2 December
BB: With the extra light+sensor and rail extension, a
reconstruction is unavoidable. So both the rail-setup and the
carriage are changed. But will it work? Click the image to watch
the video.
Discovery: After a very helpful comment from the author of
ftrobopy I change the code with respect to the lamp and
find there's a
port change needed. Time for a floortest
which reveals most of the things work now. Click the image to
watch the video.
Mirft2: With the problem of a 4-legs leg, I try to add more
but will this help? I also find why the motors don't work from
Python, and solve it. Click the image to watch the video.
Arduino Yún: Unpacking and first
experiences with this Internet-of-Things device which feel a bit
chaotic. Click the image to watch the video.
RPi: Additional resistors and
pwm frequencies: why don't they match? Checking voltages,
resistances, and replacing a motor with something else. But what's
the conclusion? Click the image to watch the video.
Arduino Mega2560: Adding resistors doesn't help, so what
about changing code? It's not the real change to 120 Hz, but it's
coming closer. Click the image to watch the video.
Hand: To get a better pivot setup, I decide to change the
configuration. With this, I also have to reconstruct the way they
are switched. Will this work out? Click the image to watch the
25 November
BB: Some recoding makes that the direction of the carriage
is determined both by the sonar and by the light sensor. However,
things don't work very smoothly and testing reveals some caveats.
Also some reconstruction is needed. Click the first image to
watch the video.
Discovery: Getting on with testing, I add some for-loops
and find that only the lamp really won't work via Python. Bu why
not? Click the image to watch the video.
Mirft2: With the gears not holding the 45 degrees
difference and the motors not working, I need ROBOPro to test.
This leads to the need of another computer and a reconstruction.
But will it help? Click the image to watch the video.
RPi: After last time, I have to
add more resistors in series to increase the value, and measure
again. But will it help? Click the image to watch the video.
Arduino Mega2560: Checking and trying pulsewidthmodulation
again with some re-wiring and adding resistors, but not much
consistency. So back to code and try some more. What will the
results be? Click the image to watch the video.
Hand: Focussing on the pivot switches, I find that I have
to find another way. This results in a reconstruction, but also
brings a weak spot forward. So how to solve this? Click the image
to watch the video.
18 November
BB: Checking on the results of last time reveals a little
reconstruction is needed and special attention to the wires stays
necessary. Then a new idea requires a major recontruction, but
will it work? Click the image to watch the video.
Discovery: Since it didn't go well last time..why? Time to
test using ROBOPro and find out that most works and some not.
Change kernel, check again. Change back and test again. What works
(suddenly) and what doesn't? A few minor code changes are needed.
Click the image to watch the video.
Mirft2: First I have to fix a rubber foot, which takes
quite some effort. Then I try to reposition a front leg, but that
turns out to be much easier said than done. Finally, I change the
speed in the code, and that brings some unexpected results. Click
the image to watch the video.
RPi: Measuring the frequencies
requires comparing. Since I use pwm motors from fischertechnik
(ft), I use an ft power-controller and measure the frequencies: 40
- 120Hz. Ouch: the lowest on the circuit is 700Hz. Time to find
out how to change this. Click the image the watch the video.
Arduino Mega2560: With the knowledge of the frequency range
needed for ft motors, I change the code using this info:
pwm But measuring the values brings some
unexpected results. How to solve this? Click the first image to
watch the video.
Hand: The pivot direction switch needs to be changed, but
by lack of a 2-position switch I have to combine 2 3-position
switches. A nice idea, but will it work? Click the image to watch
the video.
11 November
BB Using manual control, the sonar seems totally off.
Looking at the construction of the monorail, the sonar may be too
high and the powercord to the motor may give false data. So
reconstruction is needed. But will this bring improvement? Click
the image to watch the video.
Discovery: At the convention, I had to use the standard
kernel and had rsa issues. Now, back to the community kernel, I
have to solve the rsa issues. After some trying, I finally find
what the cause is, and get it going again without password etc.
However, does the rest (sonar, sensors, motor, light, sound) work?
Click the image to watch the video.
Mirft2: The front legs need improvement, and the gears act
up.First, I "stabilize" the legs, then find that I lack some parts
or need a major reconstruction. Will both be solved? Click the
image to watch the video.
RPi: Changing the pwm code so I
can change the value without having to re-compile. Then measuring
on various points show something odd. Click the image to watch the
Arduino Mega2560: PulseWidthModulation is common on the
Arduino. So measuring it should be easy. Turns out to be
confusing: what is wired? Values have to be changed, but what are
the results? Click the image to watch the video.
Hand: The current switch for the pivot motor direction
isn't up to its job. But with what should it be replaced? Trying a
different switch requires a minor reconstruction and comes close,
but isn't really it. Click the image to watch the video.
4 November
ft Convention Schoonhoven 2016 I've created 2 compilation
of the convention. Some pictures are
here. Hope you
BB: Analysis shows that the time for the propeller to
change direction is about 4 seconds at the side of the sonar while
the code clearly says 0.25 seconds. So what's up? Do changes in
the setup or code make a difference? Click the image to watch the
RPi: After reading about
measuring pwm, I need another multimeter since it can measure
frequency. This turns out the change: the lower the pwm, the
higher the frequency. Click the image to watch the video.
Hand: Since the programmed 1 second for the pivot obviously
doesn't work well, I decide to use a switch instead and have the
program respond to that. I also reinforce the pivot gears. But
does it work? Click the image to watch the video.
Mirft2: While testing the front legs, I decide to limit the
number of sounds first. After that, I have to fix the connection
of the legs to the frame to prevent them from falling off. This
requires a minor reconstruction of the frame. Question is: does it
work? Click the image to watch the video.
Arduino Mega2560: Trying out the extra serial connection
meets with problems and some unexpected results. Will it work
somehow? Click the image to watch the video.
28 October
Discovery: The copying of images to the laptop doesn't
work, so the firewall needs to be adjusted. Then, the ssh
connection needs improvement. This only succeeds partially. But
why? Click the image to watch the video.
BB: The rocking property has to be eliminated. So what to
do? Extra wheels? Extra rail? Or catching the propeller-cone and
hold it? It's the fastest to test. After that, the carriage seems
to stay at each end longer than 1 second. Can I test or change
that to less? Click the image to watch the video.
RPi: Testing voltages again
makes me wonder if it really just takes 1.5V to make motor 2 run.
Also taking a look at the code: is it ok? Would the RPi2 react the
same? Click the image to watch the video.
Mirft2: In an attempt to improve walking I decide to
replace the front legs but I find I also need to increase the
speed then. Will it work? Click the image to watch the video.
Hand: Continuing with the pivot gear: further analysis en
test shows that more reconstruction is needed. Also, how come the
software acts up? 1 second is 1 second, right?! Click the image to
watch the video.
21 October
Discovery: Time to fix a few things: a sensor going wrong,
images not being copied. Will things work out? Click the image to
watch the video.
Arduino Mega: It should be possible to do data aquisition
using serial communication. But the Serial Monitor has no options.
So I need to add a serial connection, but will it work? Click the
image to watch the video.
BB: More experiments: wiring, propeller speed, code
changes, interface checks and motor setup. Will something improve?
Click the image to watch the video (which is a bit longer than
Hand: Taking a close look at the pivot motor setup, it
clearly needs improvement: gears are not aligned, the motor
doesn't hold position, etc. Time to make changes..again. Click the
image to watch the video.
Mirft2: With focus on interaction between the controller
and the laptop, I have to generate
rsa keys, change IP address in code and
alter the firewall. After that, things go better. Changing the
code to limit the time for sound shows to be less easy than
thought. And finally, getting rid of the manual ssh
confirmation... Click the image to watch the video.
RPi: Picking up from the 16
Sept. blog: checking the motors and the software. It turns out
that the motors run, even without the PWM software. Eh? Measuring
shows some remarkable outcomes with some questions to be
14 October
BB: Focus today is on: sonar wire, motor-wire and speed.
Starting with the latter 2, reversing the motor setup shows an
improvement, but requires some recoding. The sonar wire is easy to
solve, but watching the carriage I notice something odd. Why does
this happen? Click the image to watch the video.
Mirft2: Since I don't know how long the (very old) pcmcia
network adapter will keep working, I decide to put the community
kernel on the TXT. After some (prior) preparation and adaptation,
it's time for a test. Will this work? Click the image to watch the
Hand: More attempts to increase the stability and working
of the pivot motor. Will any work? Click the image to watch the
30 September
ft convention: At 24-09, the annual fischertechnik
convention took place in Dreieich, Germany again. Due to the
number of videos I made, I've split them between 2 compilation
(~30 minutes) and
2nd (~20 minutes).
Discovery: Due to hassle with dhcp, I want to change to
static IP. Then, some more tests using the community kernel. Click
the image to watch the video.
Mirft2: Now that I don't need a WiFi adapter on the laptop
for the Discovery robot, what would be the effect if I use that
adapter on Mirft2? Then, I also need to fix a leg. Click the image
to watch the video.
Hand: Time to replace the pivot motor. Will it help? Click
the image to watch the video.
22 September
TBD: At 17-09, the 9th edition of robotmc
TeamBuildingDay (website in Dutch) took
place. I made 2 compilation videos:
challenge 1
+ 2 and
challenge 3 + 4.
BB: Changing the direction of the wheelset on the side of
the light sensor should prevent derailment. Then a reconstruction
of the hanging is badly needed. Finally, the sonar cord should be
out of the way. Finally, the speed is a problem...Click the image
to watch the video.
Hand: Focus is on the pivot motor: how do I get it working
without problems. Good question. Click the image to watch the
Arduino Mega2560: For some reason 1 motor doesn't work
anymore. Time to check everything: wires, components, voltages.
Click the image to watch the video.
16 September
BB: Extending the track, the sonar is in the way. Or is it?
Changing the setup brings derailment. Why? Click the image to
watch the video.
Discovery: Last time, there seemed to be problems with the
touch sensor and sonar when using the community kernel. So this
time a closer look to those. Click the image to watch the video.
Mirft2: With new parts, I can improve the robot. Then it's
time again to test sound giving some odd results. Click the image
to watch the video.
RPi: Trying the 2nd motor again,
what's up? Checking facts again show a problem that has happened
before. Oops. Then trying gets the motor running, sort of. But
why? How? Click the image to watch the video.
Hand: Testing the hand and arm, show timing, motor and
weight issues. Changing the timing isn't hard, but which timing to
change? Weight can be added, but will it help? The motor shows to
be a bigger issue than thought. But how to solve it? Click the
image to watch the video.
9 September
BB: How would it work when the carriage was upside down?
This proves not easy. Click the image to watch the video.
Discovery: Trying the community kernel agian. After meeting
with some problems, it looks like it's getting somewhere. Time for
serious tests with a surprise after recording the video: floor
image directed into the light actually shows a good image. Click
the 1st image to watch the video.
Mirft2: The feet need some attention, and back to sound.
What's different between my code and the demo? Click the image to
watch the video.
RPi: Testing LEDs, transistors
and motors: why does the RC circuit work but not that? Click the
image to watch the video (an oops for the shakiness..)
Arduino Mega2560: I need to check on an LED and a
motor...and decide to replace a resistor with a potmeter. This
requires some rewiring. Click the image to watch the video.
Hand: A rather motoric episode: reconstruction of a motor
support, change of power supply and a rather big issue showing up.
But how to solve it? Click the image to watch the video.
2 September
BB: Now the setup mostly works, it's time to elevate. But
how? Will it work? Click the image to watch the video.
Discovery: Another attempt to do colour recognition using
ROBOPro. This time it looks like it works, but not in all
situations. Click the image to watch the video.
Mirft2: Testing the legs for knees: will this work out?
Then back to sound. Solving some errors and getting weird results.
Some efforts work, some not. But why?! Click the image to watch
the video.
RPi: Testing the motor without
pwm shows an interesting result. Then extending the circuit with
an LED and RC circuit with LED shows an unexpecting result. Click
the image to watch the video.
Arduino Mega: The square green LED is nice to have to
opposite way of working to the square yellow LED. This gives some
problems though. After solving them, I want another LED in row
blinking fast but this doesn't work out quite that way. Click the
image to watch the video.
Hand: Changing the setup of the pivot motor, shows other
problems as well. How to deal with them? There may be a solution,
although with a catch. Click the image to watch the video.
26 August
BB: Continuing with the light sensor. Checking wires,
timing and using ftdiagnose, I get it to work. kind of. Click the
image to watch the video.
Discovery: A new experiment: trying the community kernel.
After quite some preparation (microSD and TXT controller ready),
how will it go? Then back to sound. What's going on?! Click the
image to watch the video.
Mirft2: I have to change the new rubber feet, because some
end up at the side of the legs. Then an old gear problem shows up
which I fix for now (will it hold?). Trying out sound, which works
some way..and doesn't in another. Click the image to watch the
RPi: After some more research, I
find I need to relocate and rewire the OpAmp. After testing and
some more rewiring and adding a component...things work. Kind of.
Click the image to watch the video.
Arduino Mega: Rewiring of the switch is needed, but how?
Then back to the code and serial monitor. Some changes seem
needed, but will it work? Click the 2nd image to watch the
Hand: After adding the pivot motor, it's time to do things
software-wise. First tests are great, but then it turns not so
great. Click the image to watch the video.
19 August
BB: Checking out the light sensor should be an easy one:
just riding, blocking light, etc. Then the other light goes on and
off, etc. again. But does it? ftdiagnose makes me wonder what's
wrong. Checking wires too. Click the image to watch the video.
Discovery: Testing sound, I encounter some odd events.
Somehow it clearly works, but it also doesn't. Why? Click the
image to watch the video.
Mirft2: Using the broken rubber tire to walk... how well
does that work? Ducttape and something else bring a (temporary?)
solution. Then sound? This brings a big oops and more. Click the
image to watch the video.
RPi: The compiler-error from
wiringPi turns out to have a simple solution. After that, I have
to increase the voltage level. To solve this, I use
Scilab Xcos simulation again and this shows
how it in theory can work out nicely by using an
OpAmp. But will this work? Click the image
with motor to watch the video.
Arduino Mega: Trying to control an LED by a switch:
recoding, rewiring, etc. Will it work or can't it work? Click the
image to watch the video.
Hand: Checking the gears, a simple solution is found. Then,
I want to use a motor to pivot the arm-base. This needs a
reconstruction. Click the image to watch the video.
12 August
BB: The iron tracks are fast and the carriage unstable.
What to do? Also, the touch sensor bounces. Time to replace it.
Click the image to watch the video.
Discovery: Checking the software doesn't reveal errors, so
what causes the frequent misbehaviour? Some more tests off and on
camera... Click the image to watch the video.
Mirft2: I need to stabilize the frame, which looks nice
afterwards. The gear gives a problem and is only partially fixed.
Then the walking...how I can solve that?! Click the image to watch
the video.
RPi: I'm going back to a former
idea: controlling a motor. My earlier attempt was based on a wrong
setup. Now that I've got experience via the Arduino, why not do
the same way here: resistor, transistor, mass and some power. Then
things get a turn: I have to use pulse-width modulation! Click the
image to watch the video.
Arduino Mega: Why doesn't the digital input work? And the
chain motor? Some recoding is needed and some refit of
electronics. But will it all work? Click the image to watch the
Hand: Checking the whole hand and arm reveals 2 gear
problems. But how to solve them? Click the image to watch the
5 August
BB: Trying to stabilize the carriage brings some tests:
tilt, elevation and other. Some improvements, some not. Click the
image to watch the video.
Discovery: Testing sonar again, with slightly different
setup and code changes. This leads to new insight. Also testing
with ROBOPro gives a remarkable result. Click the image to watch
the video.
Mirft2: Trying to improve the flexibility of the framework
gives nice results. However, tests show also that gears have some
problems. Camera images are not all good: most are 0 bytes. Why?
Click on the image to watch the video.
RPi: Since synchronous LED won't
work, I try replacing the if's by while's. But will this work?
Click the image to watch the video.
Arduino Mega2560: The digital input riddle: why does an
onboard LED burn when a breadboard LED is activated? Several code
experiments.... does it work? Click the image to watch the video.
Mydfir: After some more tests, I decide to check the
hardware which turns into an oops. After that, I get better
results but still not everything is logical. Click the image to
watch the video.
Hand: The gears have to be improve so the arm gets lower
but also the upper gear sensor isn't working properly. While this
last one isn't very hard to solve, how about the gear
construction? Click the image to watch the video.
29 July
BB: Will the yellow tracks help or not? The algorithm seems
fine. Some improvements seem fine, but does all work consistently?
Click the image to watch the video.
Discovery: Further testing on sound and sonar with several
different setups. Time for changes? Click the image to watch the
Mirft2: Several issues to solve: gears, guides
construction, running time and battery pack. After fixing a gear,
close observation shows that the guides may have to be changed.
Running time is distance, and this makes the walking. However,
with the current setup, will this really work? And how can I add a
battery pack? Click the image to watch the video.
Mydfir: Testing my first driving robot to test the lights
again, reveals that they don't work. Changing the algorithm a bit
and looking the data file reveals some issues. But it gets
stranger. Click the image to watch the video.
RPi: Going on with ssh to play
the python side via remote and find some issues. What's the best
solution? Click the image to watch the video.
Arduino Mega: With the digital switch not working, that's
the focus for this time. Some research show that I have to use a
different instruction, but somehow it has a different effect
than I anticipated. And how does it really work? Click the image
to watch the video.
Hand: After the "poor man's solution" of the upper sensor,
the question is if the elbow range can be used fully. For this, I
try another frame extension but will it help? Click the image to
watch the video.
22 July
BB: With the results of last time, what to do? Some more
testing shows that the green track are a bottleneck. So what to
do? A drastic solution may be an answer. Click the image to watch
the video.
Discovery: why doesn't the sound work? Should do with
sonar... so focus this time on sound. Some changes in the
algorithm but will it work? Click the image to watch the video.
Mirft2: First, an experiment with the distance. Then, given
the limited space for the gears to turn, I change those. Then some
insights lead to some reconstruction, but with a result that
leaves more questions than answers. Click the image the watch the
RPi: Since the screen output
wasn't the same as the piscope output, some coding needs to be
changed. Also, it is desirable that both sides are started at
(almost) the same time. Chosen to be from C++, this needs some
experimenting. Click the image to watch the video.
ArduinoMega: With the chain added, I can also add a switch
to have an LED burn. This requires some recoding and rewiring. As
usual, some issues show up. Click the image to watch the video.
Hand: Big issues: sensors are not responding properly.
Should I change the algorithm, the hardware or what? Click the
image to watch the video.
15 July
BB: Somehow it doesn't work the way it should So it time to
look at friction, stability, height and the sensor again. Click
the image to watch the video.
Discovery: After updating the ftrobopy to 0.96-test, I hope
for some nice things. With a reconstruction for the sonar in mind,
some tests with interesting results. Measuring reveals detailed
info. Still questions about why things go the way they do. Click
the 1st image to watch the video. The 2nd image is taken by the
TXT camera and show the ruler between the batterypacks.
Mirft2: After a suggestion to change the speed of the
motors, things improve. But also leads to new insight. Then a leg
shows a problem...replace? Then the recurring issue of the
connection. Will this be solved? Click the 1st image to watch the
video. The 2nd image is with the USB camera and shows the support
for Mydfir and the rear-end of Discovery.
RPi: After installing piscope,
comparing RPi1 and 2 shows a timing problem on the 2 side. A close
look is needed and reveals something odd: picscope shows a signal
change while the screenoutput doesn't?
Arduino Mega: Last time I added motor 4, which didn't run.
After a closer look at the circuit, the errors become clear and
solved: 4 motors running. This brings a new idea forward and a new
simulation in SciLab/XCos. But it turns out that a new star can be
tough. Click the 1st image to watch the video.
Hand: Time for some programming. After a nice start, it
turns out there's a problem in the algorithm, but in the hardware
as well. Oops. How to solve this? Click the image to watch the
8 July
BB: Since the sensor isn't touched, it better be placed in
a different way. Also, in which way is the fan force better:
pushing or pulling? Reconstructing and testing. Click the image to
see the video.
Discovery: On request by fischertechnik support, I made a
short video showing how things go wrong the same way as with the
original controller. Click the 1st image to see the video. Then I
do some tests again, first without accessing the camera. Click the
2nd image for that video.
Mirft2: Support got back to me: they'll test a bit later.
The creator of the ftrobopy library released a test-edition of a
new version. Since both Discovery and Mirft2 use the TXT
controller, I use Mirft2 for this test. After installing it
(github/scp/....), there are actually some nice results. Click the
1st image to watch the video.
RPi: Due to odd results, testing
the RPi2. Then I find
which gives a nice view, but with a slight twist. Also, some LEDs
work again.... Click the 1st image to watch the video.
ArduinoMega: After some more experimenting with inductors
and motors..it works, somehow. This leads to the question: can I
add another one? Click the image to watch the video.
Hand: 3 focusses this time: replacing the elbow pivot axis,
somehow placing the sensors for the lower gear and fixing the
movement of 2 fingers. One proves to be easy, one less easy and
one...what to say about that. Click the image to watch the video.
1 July
BB: Last week ended with 2 questions: is the DataLink
causing delay and why is the touch sensor not working? Testing
gives answers and more and a reconstruction is needed. Click the
image to see the video.
Discovery: After preparing the replacement controller, it's
time to test. Will it perform better? Some revealing code issues
(oops...) as well. Click the image to see the video.
Mirft2: With the camera test, it isn't flawless. The code
hangs for some reason, so time to seriously debug. Which doesn't
goes flawless either. So what's up? Click the image to see the
RPi: Time to debug... or rethink
the setup. With the vnc server refusing to act properly again but
this time more stubborn than other times..what to do? Then things
go an unexpected way, so time to debug the hardware more
thoroughly. Click the image to see the video.
ArduinoMega: Why is that 2nd RLC motor not working?
Measuring voltage gives a clue, but will recoding, rewiring and
replacing/adding components solve it? Click the image to see the
Hand: After the last tests with the lower gear, the elbow
motors are obsoleted. The sensors in the lower gears bring on a
problem. Another reconstruction.... Click the image to see the
24 June
BB: After the first test of last week, a step further is to
mount the motor/fan, use the sonar and a set of rails. It shows a
remarkable effect. Adding a touch sensor to let the lamp burn
works...kind of. And what's the effect of the DataLink? Click the
image to see the video.
Discovery: With the TXT controller being sent away for
replacement, nothing I can do. Except for taking this picture...a
sad sight.
Mirft2: With the guides mostly done, I have to finish them
and notice a small detail that has to be fixed. Checking the
gears, some small corrections are needed but that doesn't seem the
cause of the movement problems. Then it's time for a camera test.
Click the image to see the video.
RPi: After last time, a code
change showed it hardly works. So will another code change
improve? Is wiring the culprit? Then the experiment goes really
weird... Click the image to see the video.
ArduinoMega: Since 1 of the motors in the RLC circuit still
won't work, I decide to add an
inductor in series. In the end, I change
some more things, but does this solve the problem? Click the image
to see the video.
Hand: After the changes last time, the lower gear seems to
be working but needs some improvement. Also, some other issues and
ideas come up. Click the image to see the video.
17 June
BB: New experiment: using it in combination with the
fischertechnik (ft) RoboInterface, ft ROBO RF DataLink, and Python
via ftlib. Adding lamp, motor and sonar. See the
Discovery: Testing sonar gives odd results and forces a
code change. Will this bring improvements? A decision is made to
solve some annoying stuff. See the
Mirft2: Stabilizing the leg-gears proves to be necessary
but comes with another challenge. After that, the legs guidance
need improvements. Does it work? Kind of.. sometimes. See the
RPi: Continuing LED play with 1
step further: RPi1 activating RPi2. This brings some challenge in
wiring and code change, but does it work? See the
ArduinoMega: To check if 2 motors can run at the same time,
I add another motor. If this works, I try to get the
parallellization of the RLC out of the circuit so see if that
improves things. This also requires a bit of re-coding. But will
it work? See the
Hand: After the last modifications, it shows that I really
need to enlarge the elbow. in possibly more than 1 way. Also, the
general rigidity is in question. What to do? Do things work out?
See the
10 June
BB: The last operation for now on OpenCV: corner detection.
This is interrupted by a big problem that I fortunatly solve but
in a regressive way. Ugh. The end-result is not as nice as could
have been. But so be it. See the
Dicovery: Continued testing on the right side touch sensor,
what happens? What does the sonar do? Quite a few events really
don't make sense. Some minor code changes and another test...but
do they work? See the
video. 1st picture: sonar test. 2nd: battery
pack corner with touch sensor test.
Mirft2: Continuing with the legs, I find that I need to
narrow the guidance. Also: are the motors strong enough? Stability
is an issue to address as well. See the
RPi: On again with LED play: 1
LED influencing another. Last time it didn't work correctly and
now I find out why. Big oops x 2: algorithm and wire. With this
fixed, will the rest work as well? See the
ArduinoMega: Last time, a LED could burn when a motor
couldn't run. Swapping and changing parts for diagnosis is nice,
and shows an interesting effect. But what's the solution? See the
Hand: First to check is the electric wiring. After fixing
4(!) loose wires, the attention goes to the lower gear and the
horizontal motors. Some reconstruction is needed. See the
3 June
BB: Just a pixel instead of a full object. So, this is the
last attempt for the red object before moving on to another
picture and further exploration of OpenCV. Finally, by probing
more, I get a nicer result. Next experiment: corner detection. See
Discovery: Focussing on a touch-sensor, will it behave as
expected? Finding some code mistakes and changing the algorithm a
bit...but will it improve anything? See the
Mirft2: Gears friction is nearly solved, but then stability
is an issue in more than 1 way. Also, the legs need to be kept in
place which brings up another issue. See the
RPi: With the remarkable
difference in speed, the code needs a check. Then, with 1 LED
replaced and a wiring correction done, the faster run of Python
compared to the C++ code turns out to have a simple cause,
although it's not entirely solved. Then an LED play attempt: it
looks like working between 2 LEDs, but somehow not quite. See the
ArduinoMega: With the 2 RLC circuits in place, I want to
see if I can replace the LEDs by motors+fans. Needed: some more
jumpwires, 2 transistors and another motor. The result is not
entirely as expected. See the
Hand: Continuing from last week, I manage to put the elbow
motors in place. Then, a test shows that the lower gears need an
additional motor and the motors need to be re-wired. Testing the
pneumatics, it shows that 2 fingers are electrically off. Oops.
See the
27 May
BB: Now that I've managed to get the light-brown colour,
how to go on? Trying to mask the orange jumpwires won't be easy as
those are very thin. Taking the red knob should be easier. See the
Discovery: Still searching for clues about the sonar, so
it's time for some sonar-only experiments. This gives some
interesting results: while some obvious and as expected, some are
not... See the
Mirft2: Last time it showed that the gears hardly worked
after reconstruction. Pulling the gears apart showed the common
cause being friction, but the question is: where? See the
RPi: Since the current series of
experiments is about Python vs. C++, it's time for C++. And with
that, it's nice to do it different than with the binary counter:
Python on 1 side and C++ on the other. Once that's decided, I find
some LEDs not working. Replacing is only a partly solution.
Testing shows a very odd result. See the
ArduinoMega: Last time, the question was why the NTC values
in serial monitor were different from the resistance meter. A
simple test reveals part of the answer. Then an extension to the
RLC circuit preceded by a
SciLab/XCos simulation. Both show the same
behaviour. See the
Hand: Part of the elbow needs to be reconstructed...again.
It turns out to be a larger problem than expected, and not just
the elbow. So some more work is done and the big question is
again: will it work? See the
20 May
BB: Now that the scaling is known, how to go on? A closer
look reveals a small mistake, which after fixing gives a slightly
better result. But it's not good yet. See the
Discovery: Testing sensor sensitivity and a cloth on the
floor leads to theories and (un)expected behaviour. The light
works, but not during the tests? Some power-off's again..only
while on battery, so must be wiring? See the
Mirft2: I decided to replace a few the gears so that the
legs don't get obstructed. Then, when considering the position of
the controller, I find that the gears have to change from inside
to outside. In the end (for now), it looks fine. although there is
an unexpected result. See the
RPi: I intended to replace the
red LED with a green LED but that one didn't do anything at all.
So for now only the signal wires remain to complete the setup.
After this, the code has to be changed and tested which leads to
what...? See the
Arduino Mega: To verify the NTC, I decide to use the
multimeter. However, the indicator shows very different from the
serial monitor. So the question is: if anything's correct, what is
it? See the
Hand: After testing and observing, it becomes clear that
elbow gears won't work: too flexible. Another major reconstruction
is necessary. But will it work better? See the
13 May
BB: With the wifi connection finally back in place, the
search for a good colourtool can go on. Then I find why things
don't work as expected: scaling. Will this really help? See the
Discovery: Now that each picture has its own original
timestamp, I can test more thoroughly. So first: how do sonar and
touch go? Seem to go fine, with some interesting events happening.
Then a big problem from the past seems to return and the voltage
meter has to give an indication. Another wiring issue still needs
a solution. See the
Mirft2: Wanting to add a 2nd leg, I find that I'm short of
gear. With some improvisation, I get it done and meet with some
unexpected and odd behaviour while running the code. See the
RPi: After finding out that
several LEDs don't work, I have to check them out or find other
ones. After checking and finding all are OK, the question is: why
don't they work. Turns out to be a simple cause, but how did that
happen?! Anyway, time to complete the setup and get some coding
done. See the
Arduino Mega: Continuing from last time, I want to focus on
the NTC and add another element to the setup. For this new
element, I again use the SciLab/XCos simulation first. After a
change in the motor setup, will the values make sense? With an
inductor added, will the red LED burn the same way? See the
Hand: With the new motor and gear setup, the question is if
the small motor is good enough. After another reconstruction of
the elbow, there's a surprising result and another oops. See the
6 May
BB: Some old-fashioned system diagnotics: keyboard works on
laptop, mouse works on laptop, USB hub works on laptop. USB-A
connector on BB works (it detects the USB hub). Other USB hub
shows same thing. So why doesn't the combination
keyboard/mouse/hub/BB work anymore?! Well, the USB wireless
adapter really is broken, but questions remain. Wondering if the
replacement wireless will work on the USB-hub as it did before.
Discovery: With the improvements of last week, it's time to
see if it really works. After quite a lot of trying I also manage
to add time stamps to pictures, so they're all unique now. See the
Mirft2: With the results of the last video, I go on. Of
course, nothing goes as intended but with some perseverance I get
some movement done as I wanted. See the
(with extension after "the end"..).
Arduino Mega: After adding the lamp to check the NTC, I'm
not happy with the result. But first use SciLab/XCos again for a
simulation and I add a capacitor with the red LED for a nice
effect. Then I change the NTC setup. See the
RPi: Time to set up the board
completely by adding resistors. Then a problem shows up: LED 3
doesn't work. Time to diagnose once again. See the
Hand: With some new parts, I may make some progress. First
I fix the big "winch", then the motors. Of course another issue
comes up. See the
29 April
BB: No matter what you intend to do: with broken hardware,
it ends. In this case a broken wireless USB adapter, still under
warranty. Sending it to shop and it's hopefully back before or in
the weekend, but not counting on it.
Discovery: With some code improvements suggested by the
creator, I test again with some nice results but also unexpected
behaviour. Does it work correctly or not? See the
Arduino Mega: Continuing with the motor with fan and the
NTC. I decide to add a lamp to give the NTC some heat. Would this
work out? See the
RPi: New experiment: LED 1 RPi1,
this starts LED 1 RPi2, this starts LED2 RPi, etc. New setup, so
new wiring. See the
Mirft2: While I'm still only able to connect to the TXT2 by
using the Android tablet, I find some wiring errors and a typo.
With those fixed, I'm still not getting the motors to run. ROBOPro
shows that they're fine, so what's up?! See the
Shortly after, I found that they do work using Python after adding
a piece of code. See this
Hand: With some delay, I ordered new parts so hopefully
next week I can make some real progress. In the meantime I try to
solve the physical moment issue of the hand. See the
22 April
BB: Another attempt in getting the HSV values right. While
experimenting, the question becomes: what colour am I probing
really? Is Gimp the correct tool anyway? See the
Discovery: First focus is on the camera: why do I only see
tiny bits on the images? Then: the algorithm. Odd behaviour once
again. See the
Arduino Mega: Using a brand-new breadboard and ready-to-use
jumpwires, I find that I have to make more improvised jumpwires.
Then to make the motor run more visibly, a fan is added and
followed by adding an
See the
Mirft: No changes, but it's being retired after almost 10
years. A final overview
video and pictures.
Mirft2: New model that will walk, hopefully. First
preparations: update firmware and upload
ftrobopy for
using Python. This last action gives quite a struggle: using
either one of my laptops, the controller's wifi is detected, but
can't connect. Then I try my Android tablet: no problem at all.
First I test connecting to the USB-camera: ok. Then uploading
ok. But why do the laptops give problems?! Then I realize I still
have to upload Python, otherwise
ftrobopy won't work.
Oops. See the
RPi: After finding a mistake in
the Python code, it's time to debug C++ again: is the same code
problem which was in Python is in C++ as well? Most likely. Does
the counting is speed up, and does it count in reverse? See the
Hand: A few problems are with the hand: 2 fingers are not
responding. Time again for the
ftdiagnostics. This reveals
1 problem...but what's the other? See the
14 April
BB: Again, brown is the topic. After some trying out and
finding examples, I find that the array is really HSV. Also,
enlarging the difference between lower and upper brings a
remarkable result. See the
Discovery: Last time I found out that the date of the
pictures grabbed from the camera was 01-01-2000. So I need to
replace the battery, which has gone down to 2V. Then it's time for
some experiments: are 500 pulse-counts enough? The 3rd picture
shows the camera image...not much. But why? See the
Arduino Mega: Continuing with the circuit from last time, I
change the USB cable for a more flexible one. Since I'm now
dealing with a true analog circuit running at 5V, I try to connect
a small fischertechnik motor and a buzzer. See the
RPi: In order to verify the
code, I decide to check the reverse counting in Python and find an
error. So probably I make the same mistake in C++. Oops. See the
video with lots of
(boring?) testing.
8 April
BB: Going on with colourspace, I do some more attempts with
colour range. If they fail, how were the blue values derived? See
Discovery: Going on with the camera and the sensors, there
turns out to be a hardware issue. After solving it, will it work
fine now? See the
Arduino Mega: Last time I worked with a potmeter that had
to be pressed down. The solution looked simple enough but still
took some tinkering. Also, a change in LED was needed: no more
red. Not finding any round LED, I go for yellow square. With these
issues solved, on to the next circuit: an extension with a 2nd
LED: the green one, showing a remarkable result. Would adding a
3rd LED bring anything new? See the
RPi: With some clarity due to
added timing, the question rises: what causes the delay in
counting? I end up with unexpected behaviour and a decision. See
Hand: With the gearing problems...what to do? Another idea
to fix the motorside seems to help and other problems are left to
fix. Then it's time to test pneumatics and motors. Will everything
work this time? See the
1 April
BB: Brown is the question. When searching the net doesn't
Gimp, being an
open-source competitor of Photoshop, might help. Other candidates
could be
But do they do what I need? See the
Discovery: Continuing with the sensors: what's going on?
Adding a piece of code, activating the camera when both sensors
are hit at the same time. Then all goes weirder. Two pictures: 1
shows a bit of red object..might be the red trail line, might be a
piece of battery. The other showing nothing...overexposed? See the
Arduino Mega: Continuing with the last Sketch example:
This requires a breadboard as well. So until I have another one, I
will have to share it with the RPi circuits. Problem is that I
have a shortage of jumpwires, so I have to improvise and make a
few myself. Following this
example to setup the circuit, although it
uses a different Arduino model and switch, I try anyway. Another
AnalogReadSerial, uses a potmeter and a 3rd
AnalogInOutSerial applying
PWM uses a potmeter, a resistor and an LED.
See the
Hand: With the current gear problems, another question pops
up: can it hold a steady position anyway? If so, how does the
gearing behave? Why does the software behave oddly? Mistakes can
always happen... See the
RPi: After the last time, the
question is: what to do? First thing: optimize screen output and
unclutter it. Apart from that: more time stamps create some
clarity. See the
Mirft: Now that I've tested so much and found quite a few
problems, what can I do? Perhaps some stabilization would help.
See the
25 March
BB: Once again the changing of colourspace. When talking
about BGR, Blue = [255,0,0], Green = [0,255,0]. White =
[255,255,255]. So where's any brown? Apparently, somewhere around
[?, 155, 50]? According to
"dark brown" is [33, 67, 101] and "meat brown" has very different
values. See the
Discovery: Going further with the problems from last time:
the robot riding in a curve instead straight, robot not stopping
by sonar or touch, images the same on different moments. Ugh. So
back to testing and trying. See the
Hand: Last time, everything functioned but didn't work. So
now the focus is on: wiring and pneumatics, the elbow and
detachment of the arm from the base. The elbow turns out to be a
more complicated issue than though. The detachment on the other
hand is quite easy. To solve the wiring and pneumatics, tests have
to be done. See the
Arduino Mega: With the communication error last time, I
have to find out if and how this is reproduced. To keep it simple,
for now, I'll just take basic sketch examples. The
code needs a breadboard, and since I'm using a breadboard for the
RPi experiments, this leads to the question if I should buy
another one and more jumpwires. See the
RPi: With the code still not
functioning as I want, and a LED seemingly acting up...what to do?
Experimenting, reasoning and finding errors in thinking... See the
Mirft: With the current failing floortests, it has become
clear the gears need serious improvement. Currently, the motors
used for the vertical movement have a 50:1 ratio, about 115 rpm
and a torque of 60Ncm. This type is the strongest type
fischertechnik offers. And it's obviously not strong enough for my
purpose. The motor I use for the horizontal movement, is a 125:1
and as such slower but has a stronger torque (150Ncm?).
Summarizing all issues, what should I do? See the
18 March
BB: Going further with the colourspace..I find that the
white can't be
represented. Neither
black. So to pick a colour, I go for some light-brown
as my table shows. However, that shows to be tricky. Blue goes
fine. See the
Discovery: Going further on the mysteries of the
while, empty camera images, motors etc. After changing the
code a bit, things go from odd to weird. Is it hardware or
software? See the
Hand: The elbow turns out to be out of balance, so I
reconstruct it once again. Then the test follows, which doesn't go
entirely as expected: all wiring is ok, all code is ok and
still.... But what's new... See the
Arduino Mega: When unpacking, I'm in for a surprise.
Connecting it to power is a dare: will it work? Using it, takes
the Arduino IDE. A first example works fine, but with the second
example (for which I have to use the breadboard) I hit a first
oddity. See the
RPi: Continuing from the
conclusion that the code partly had to be rewritten, I find I may
have made some mistakes. And again, a LED is not fully
cooperating. See the
Mirft: During the last floortest it clearly showed that
some mechanical problems remain. After fixing gears and correcting
a supporting rod, another floortest is done. See the
11 March
BB: Going on with OpenCV, I try to change colourspace: from
RGB to
HSV. Following an example from the internet,
it shouldn't be that hard. See the
Discovery: The motors don't run while the sensors are ok.
For a test I add another
while loop, with unexpected
results in more than 1 way. The motors run, the fan runs, pictures
are being made and copied...but all ok ? See the
(screencast only) (#18).
Hand: The last attempt for reconstructing the elbow didn't
quite work out. So several new ones are tried out, ending up with
a much smaller one. Also, the rather heavy arm needs to be
reconstructed to get a much better
physical moment: F=m*a, also known as the
2nd law of motion. See the
RPi: Last time, the timing was
an issue but not solved yet. Now another issue shows up: an
important feature was defined but not implemented. Oops. So the
code has to be changed. See the (long)
Mirft: After reconstructing a leg for better horizontal
movement, it still is the question if timing is the best solution.
Using lamps may be better. Also, in hindsight the leg
reconstruction isn't completely finished. Time also for another
floortest. See ths
Videos: Top 3 of my most viewed videos so far:
fischertechnik convention Dreieich 2015
TXT controller first video (486x) and
fischertechnik convention Schoonhoven 2015
(307x). Date: 5/3/2016. Videos with views over 1000x, are
promoted. Except 1, mine aren't even close yet.
4 March
BB: Getting on with image processing, I manage to get the
b/w image full. See the
video (#14).
Discovery: Last time, the images where quite overexposed
and the motors didn't run. So it's best to check with RoboPro to
see if the touch sensors and the sonar still work. After
commenting out the camera actions, there's a problem with
motor(2). So another test with RoboPro is needed, this time on the
motors. See the
video (#17).
Hand: An option to improve the lifting power of the arm is
to use a 2nd motor for the elbow, either opposite of or next to
the existing one. It might work, if the connection between the
gears and arm is changed. Considering all the attempts, there's
another solution. See the
video (#25).
RPi: Facing several issues, I
first give the up- and down counting more time. I also relocate
the camera. Adding time code, I find at least 1 reason for the
slowing down which is quickly solved..or is it? Other issues
remain. See the
video (#10).
Mirft: Going further with the vertical movement and
reconstructing a leg with 2 hinges. After a code change I manage
to get the legs fully moving up and down and the hip/leg
reconstruction looks promising. See the
Arduino: To continue with Arduino, I've bought a
to be delivered in 3 weeks from now. So this will be a new blog
topic and series of videos, hopefully more than the 3 videos about
the e-brace.
26 February
BB: Starting with the result of last week, the challenge is
to get it correct. To achieve this, I go into more detail and
write all intermediate results to file and add comments. This
always leads to clearer code, although not necessarily to a
solution. See this
Discovery: With both the copying and numbering working now,
the question is: why does the 2m. distance cause such a delay? If
I bring back the driving in the program, I want nice images fast.
This also means that I have to go smart on the image capturing.
See the
The pictures show some overexposure, while most are pointed away
from the sun.
Hand: The solution for the elbow from last time didn't work
out: way too flexible. So this needs to be changed. Another change
is that the ft RoboIOExtension will be attached so I can run the
motor and maybe other stuff as well. Question is if all this will
work out as intended. See the
RPi: Some problems remain after
last time: the counter has become extremely slow, and the Ctl-C
mechanism doesn't work instantly anymore. A lot of reasoning is
needed to find the cause(s). See the
Picture is just another moment of the counting, but taken with the
RPI-camera using
raspistill at 320x240 resolution.
Mirft: Continuing on the vertical movement, and more
specific the apparent wrong signal from the light-sensitive
transistors. This turns out to be a software issue, which I manage
to solve. Then changing the
while loops makes the
algorithm better, and opens the way to fully operating movements
up and down. The
video is a bit double in parts, because I
had to put in voice somehow.
19 February
Because of absence this week, only 2 subjects.
BB: Continuing with the problem that a blurred image turned
into black, apparently after rotation. After trial and error, I
find alternate settings for rotation and translation so the final
image for now looks like this. See the
Discovery: The problem with "date" stamp for images was due
to a missing space in the date command. However, I need to
concatenate a string, e.g. "image", and an integer, e.g. 19022016,
and that seems to be quite a problem in Python. However, I finally
find an working solution and get what I want: filename + date +
sequencenumber. See the
12 February
BB: Continuing with OpenCV: Last time ended with errors
that made the images suspiscious. After inspecting the image
arrays it turns out they've the same number of row, columns and
depth. And after another attempt, the
hstack command to
put images next to eachother just works. All seems fine, with the
exception of the rotated part: it's black, so something strange
happens between blurring and rotating back. The (for now) ending
See also the
Discovery: It turns out that the
date commands will
be really functional in the next firmware update, whenever that
may be. So in the meantime I have to use a workaround. A nuisance
is also that, when using
scp in a loop, I have to type the
password each loop. For now it's ok...it works sort of. See the
Hand: After receiving more technical information on how the
fischertechnik motor works (which is quite logical considering how
ftdiag is working), it turns out that the elbow motor will
not work in the current setup. To get it working, a
RoboIOExtension is needed, which is only available at "high" cost:
from € 80 on. So the question is: is it worth it.
Apart from this question, another problem still is the
construction of the elbow. It turns out that the hand itself is
actually too heavy for the elbow construction with gear. A
solution could be to put the motor straight on the axis, but this
requires the metal axis to be replaced by a non-metal one, which
is a bit flexible. The problem still is that I can't control the
elbow motor, so I may have to take the IO extension from Mirft for
the time being. See the
RPi: Continuing with C++, I
finish the "state 1" if's on the RPi side. However, during the
tests I notice some more issues to fix. See the
Mirft: Without extra hinges I can't do anything on the
horizontal movement of the legs. So I focus on the vertical one,
where I have used lens lamps to detect the presence of the legs.
Considering the use of timed motor run with the horizontal leg
movement, and the problems so far using the lamps, I try timing
with the vertical leg movement. Since this turns out to be not
practical, I continue with the lamps for now. In programming the
lamps it turns out that I made a small mistake. So far I used full
motor-connections M1..M4 but I should use the outputs O5..O8. With
the mass-lines all grouped it works out nicely. This also frees
the IO extension for use with the Hand. The only problem now is
the light-sensitive transistors: they don't signal 1, only
0...sigh. See the
5 February
BB: Continuing with OpenCV, I try to put 2 images next to
eachother. See this
Hand: The elbow needs more attention, but first the wiring
of the elbow driving motor needs to be fixed. Programming in
Python is easy enough, but the changing from "cw" into "ccw" (or
vice-versa) doesn't work at all. Rewiring doesn't solve this: it
stays 1 direction only. The only solution seems to be using a
voltage divider, and put the 2nd motor in between the resistors,
but this depends on the controller electronics as well. And this
is a totally unknown factor. See the
RPi: With both the 3 bits binary
counter 2nd LED problem and the RPi2 control solved, it would be
nice if the reverse counting could work as well. For this to work,
some code is necessary. And while preparing with longer delay
times in code, it turns out the the control still doesn't work as
intended. This picture is made with RPi camera. See also the
Discovery: Another attempt to use scp from the TXT to get
the picture to the laptop. From the laptop side it does work, so
why not this way? Because
sshd turns out not to be
installed and then the
ufw firewall stops
With these problems solved, I find that the use of
for systemcalls is preferred. And with this code added, I still
need my password to actually copy the created image but at least
the copying works. See the picture and the
Mirft: To solve the problem I try with another set of
wheels, place in the middle. I also replace the construction of
the existing supporting wheels which makes the revolution more
smoothly. See the
29 January
Youtube: A little bit of rant...On Wed. 27 Jan., I counted
71 views, and € 0,00. What if each viewer allowed Adblock to show
ads and watched 1 skippable ad ? Although Youtube is rather
inconsistent in displaying ads, out of those 71 viewers at least a
few would have seen a skippable one. To give a bit of insight in
total views of my videos this week: Fri: 53, Sat: 46, Sun: 58,
Mon: 61, Tue: 25, Wed: 71, Thu: 62.
Given the almost fanatical negative reactions by Adblock users on
the various forums about the fact that people try to make some
money by creating videos, and the fact that maker Eyeo so far wins
each trial in German court (they're German), I doubt this will
change anytime soon. Do they go to the cinema for free as well ?
End of rant.
Discovery: Continuing with the bluetooth tests. What if I
use it with ROBOPro on the same laptop as last time, so with
integrated bluetooth ? See this
BB After the last time with OpenCV using e.g. blur, I try
putting a border around the image. This takes searching for
examples but also a question why it doesn't work as expected. And
I'm not talking about typos. Finally I find the reason, which is
quite logical but also makes me wonder if it can be dealt with
differently. See the
Hand: The elbow needs to be fixed to the axis and the elbow
motor needs to be fixed to the arm. For the motor, I've found a
flexible solution.
The elbow is a different story. The plan is to add a gear in the
middle and therefor it needs a rigorous reconstruction. After
this, the solution is, although a nice idea, also a bit
See the
Mirft: A solution is to put the supporting rods on wheels,
but the first attempt doesn't work out quite as well.
And neither does the second attempt.
See the
RPi: I added a
Serial Pi
Plus to my RPi2, so I can now use a serial terminal
connection to check for errors.
Then an attempt to correct the 2nd LED when using C++. Using the
GPIO layout, and comparing the Python and C++ code,I find that I
made a small mistake in the C++ code. Problem solved. See the
22 January
Discovery: Testing bluetooth from a different computer that
has the adapter fully integrated doesn't work out as expected. It
pairs, but I can't browse the controller. From ROBOPro, it doesn't
work either. See this
The new Python version, 0.6, has been released, so it's time to
try it out. The most important (for me) change is the ability to
use the camera. A first attempt fails resulting in a 0 bits
picture. To be sure, I take a tablet to check if the camera
actually works, which is the case. Then a second attempt works out
nicely. The only downside is that you have to copy the picture to
a computer with an imageviewer to actually watch it. See also the
Hand: With the hand working as real end-effector, it's time
to focus on the elbow. A rigid elbow isn't nice to see and to work
with. I decide to follow the design of some industrial robots and
modify the elbow such that it becomes a big hinge with the lower
arm+hand revolving inside the end of the upper arm. The actuation
will be/is chain driven by a motor. See the pictures and this
Mirft: Although there's been a huge improvement lately, it
doesn't walk. This is probably due to lack of friction between the
legs and the floor. So that's what has to change. Taking 2 rubber
knobs that supported a CRT monitor, I put them as feet under 2
legs and do the floor-test again. With mixed result. See the
RPi: Continuing with C++. When
looking at the code at the RPi2 side once more, the timing is 15
seconds. This seems odd, but when considering the fact that the
timing on the RPi side is 2 seconds and there's no handshake, it
should be fine. When using a manual switch, you don't know when
it's time either. As a test, I change the state of GPIO18 to "0"
after the 15 seconds. This doesn't work out as intended, but when
I change the timing to 4 seconds for both "1" and "0", the control
most definitely works. What remains in this experiment is the
working of LED2. See the
15 January
Discovery: Time for an extra experiment. Does bluetooth
work any better with the new firmware? So far, the answer is "no",
but since the bluetooth dongle is several years old, that may be
the cause as well.
See the
Mirft: Continuing with the horizontal winches. There are 2
major problems to solve. 1: when a winch is hauled, and the cord
gets its maximum tension, the gearing slips. 2: From that moment,
the other winch gets unwinded too much. It should be noted that
this happens during manual control. So, what will happen during
programmed timed control ? This works out well, as far as the
moving of the legs goes. To see if it also moves the entire robot,
the floortest is done again. See the
BB: After resizing, translating and rotating, it's time to
combine effects. One result is the first picture, taking the
resized image, then translate and rotate. Trying to blur the
image, was a bit confusing: the found tutorial shows another way
of working than a found example. Fortunately, the example works.
See also the
Hand: Work to be done now is to fix whatever is wrong with
the electrical wiring and the pneumatics. First, it turns out
(after "some" time and trying out) that in 1 wire, not 1 but 2
connections are flaky. After fixing this with a wire stripping
plier and small screwdriver, the connection is fine, but still
controlling the wrong finger. In the end, I fix this at the
controller's end. Then, despite that the wiring is fine, the
fingers don't move a bit. I decide to remove the new tube for the
thumb from the t-piece, put a sack on it to check the airflow, and
... nothing happens. I check for the other fingers that are still
fully connected and to my surprise all works. WHY?! HOW?! I
reconnect the tube, check and all keeps working. Big mystery, but
ok. Next step...changing the elbow? See the
RPi: The ongoing problem of
the binary counter shows that it is far from consistent. Using
Python script 15 again, the control from RPi2 works once.
Stopped and started again...nothing happens. Repeatedly. Then
C++, the counter works again without RPi2, but LED2 doesn't
burn. Checking the code for LED2..nothing wrong. See the video.
8 January
RPi: Going further with C++ and
Python. Why has the algorithm the opposite effect as intended?
Another problem: the wiring of the 2nd LED. It seems to be that,
even 1 of the jumpwires is only 1mm out of the breadboard, the LED
doesn't work. And that 1 mm is hard to see with so many of them
grouped. Ugh. In addition to that,
ssh and
seemed to fail again on the RPi2 and didn't come back. After
ssh without being able to start a session after
the restart, I tried restarting the network interface:
service networking restart followed by
sudo systemctl
daemon-reload. This worked: after a few moments both the
session and vnc worked again. However, I have to restart using a
keyboard/display. I still need to buy another serial pi plus and
null-modem cable to see if I can do all this successfully via the
serial port...and I would be surprised if I can't.
Back to the problems with C++/Python/LED2: some wiring issues at
least to be solved. Ugh. See the
Hand: With some extra parts: tube, T-pieces with stops to
connect the existing tubes with new tubes and some double-sided
adhesives, I start the process of relocating the controller and
compressor. This brings new problems and ideas: the base plate of
the arm doesn't have the same holes to connect parts. So I decide
to do something else: relocate the entire controller/compressor
combination. After that, I have to rewire and add the tubes. For
safety, I decide to lead the tubes through the arm, and logically,
the electrical wiring as well. For the description of the
pictures, see the
hand page.
It turns out to be a tough job, ending with a tiny(?) problem. See
The initial problem is solved quickly after finishing the video by
removing the lamp from the socket, but a broader test shows
there's more not quite right with the wiring (or/and the tubes?).
Mirft: Now that it can't drop down, the question is: can it
walk? For this, the horizontal movement needs to work and this
brings another challenge. First I need to change the fixation.
Then the existing problem of the slipping winch has to be solved.
One idea is to put both winches on the same axis which brings a
more clear setup, as shown in the pictures.
Testing shows it's not "the" solution though. See the
BB: Continuing with OpenCV, I say
goodbye to
watershed. Time for another OpenCV feature:
transformation of features. The first series I try are
translation and
rotation. Of course, because of the
properties of both the BB and Python, it doesn't happen very fast.
But it works. See the