On my blog, I weekly tell about my experiments.
All pictures and videos are my copyright.

Please support this blog by making a (small) donation either by PayPal, Ko-fi or IBAN
become a patron by pledging and have your name mentioned on my website and depending on the pledge also with my videos.

Many videos start with 10 seconds invitation text to support the blog.

A movement in a circle with propellers

4 October 2024: Reconstruction to add some contacts for digital input, writing Python code and extensive tests (free version). The full patron-only version of this video is 40 minutes longer and shows more building, coding in Python and tests. See also the blog.

30 August 2024: Another try at the software and reconstruction of the hardware. What will run in the end? (free version). The full patron-only version of this video is 30 minutes longer and shows more building and demonstrations. See also the blog.

28 June 2024: Start of a new project to make a switch move. First construction and try the software.(free version). The full patron-only version of this video is 10 minutes longer and shows more building and demonstrations. See also the blog.