Hi, my name is Huub van Niekerk and I'm living in the Netherlands.
I have an MSc degree in Embedded Systems, specialized in control
and robotics.
This website is in English, because 95% of the visitors of this
website come from outside the Netherlands.
Scroll down for my blog topics list, click any side-picture or
to go the blog page.
Contact: hobby
(e.g. about fischertechnik)
Via my company Van Niekerk Engineering, I'm an architect, engineer
and consultant for
* Engineering/designing Systems, Control and Robotics
(Archimate, TOGAF, BPMN, DMN, SysML, UML, MBSE)
* Debuging/refactoring software written mostly in C, C++,
Python, Perl.
* IT & Open Source consult
* Design of SQL database, warehouse (e.g. IEDF0) &
administrator for MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL
* OpenSource/Linux setup & maintenance
* Photography and videography of technical objects and
For more information or a quote, please visit my company website
1: Join me as a Tier 2 paying member via
or Bronze member via
. By doing so, you get access to the full-length videos in which I
show the building process, testing, demonstrations and code in
detail with narrations. By joining me, you can help me create
better videos. Your name will be mentioned in a way that depends
on the amount of money you pledge (Patreon) or subscribe for
Members are listed on the
2: Buy a full-length video for 5 euros. Please see my
for the available titles.
3: Do a (small)
(any amount in euros will do)
4: Buy me a coffee via either or use the QR code
Blog about my experiments:7 February 2025.
Published each week are my blogpage, the page about the current
experiment(s) and maybe a special page (please scroll down for the
topics list)
This week: Move-the-switch.
On my weekly (Friday Amsterdam/CEST timezone) updated
I give a short description about each Youtube video of my
experiments with:
* embedded systems (
* electronics and
* OpenSource software such as
* programming using e.g.
Since the end of December 2023, I also publish Youtube shorts
about the videos.
I also show lots of photo's and video's I make during (mainly)
. This Events page contains links to my
If you scroll down, you see a clickable list of all
topics, each with the last date of publication. The date in bold
is the most recent.
To give an idea where you all come from, this is a weekly updated
TXT controller based:
(20 September 2024)
(7 February 2025)
RoboInterface based:
(7 June 2024),
(26 January 2024)
(see also the robotics page for the robot arm; 10 January
(see also the robotics page; 20 December 2024)
(see also the robotics page; 27 December 2024)
(31 January 2025)
With manual controller (e.g. joysticks):
(see also the robotics page; 31 May 2024)
(see also the robotics page; 6 May 2022)
Without controller:
(1 July 2022)
(15 March 2024)
(17 January 2025)
fischertechnik may also be used in these projects:
(until 17 June 2016: various; 17 June 2016 - 19 Oct. 2018:
see also the robotics page; 26 February 2021)
(19 April 2024)
(3 January 2025; may also include RPi 1 and 3)
(4 March 2022)
(13 December 2024)
(23 August 2019)
(24 September 2021)
(8 January 2021)
(24 January 2025)
(2 September 2022)
video playlists & picture pages (e.g.
fischertechnik convention, robotmc TeamBuildingDay; 1
November 2024).
(20 December 2024)
External publication about me or/and my project(s):